GPS Waypoints Training

The GPS Wpts training sessions are short remote presentations for professionals aiming to teach how to take full advantage of the tool and thus enhance the users’ surveying performance. The training, held in English (or alternatively in Portuguese), includes a presentation of concepts and an online demo with total duration of 1 or 2 hours.

Surveying with GPS Waypoints (1h) Surveying and Navigation with GPS Waypoints (2h)
  • Setup and Configurations
    • Internal and external receivers, acquision Modes
  • Surveying with Waypoints
    • Preparation of themes and tags
    • Field Surveying with photos, tags, address
    • Data acquisition automation and visualization on Maps
    • Export data and View data in Google Earth or QGIS
  • Backups and restore
  • Online Demo
  • Same as 1 hour session plus
  • Surveying with both Paths and Waypoints
    • Use both Paths and Waypoints
    • Datum transformations
  • Navigation to Points
    • Import shapes
    • Get Directions with compass and GNSS
    • View data on Maps
  • NMEA usage and post-processing
    • Collect NMEA files
    • Process NMEA files and estimate errors
  • Online Demo


The ordering is made with an advance payment via PayPal (account: or bank transfer. After payment, the remote session date will be agreed and scheduled (typically in one week after ordering).

Payment with Paypal

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