BLUECOVER released an initial version of the GOLF ANALYSIS TOOL (GAT) for making post-game analysis of golf rounds. The GAT is a free web application to do golf assessments and post-game analysis by allowing golfers to qualify their strokes after the game, analyse the resulting statistics and track their evolution. It allows the player to make a clear judgement on the area(s) needing more practice assuming that statistical data will help the golfer to understand his evolution and regression in terms of shots and swing.
After the first weeks of operation, with new users registration only by invitation, GAT confirmed to be stable, supporting more than 1000 qualified strokes and 8 courses.
The key issue for golfers is to minimize the time to introduce data. Currently the values range from 15 to 40 minutes depending on the level of detail of shot qualification.
The golfer needs first to introduce the Course information (if not available yet), Create a Round from existing courses, Auto-Generate Strokes from scorecard and then Qualify the Strokes. The minimum level of qualification is the Category and Results and the full qualification includes Contacts, Effects and Difficulties. Full qualification takes some time but it provides more details for better understanding the areas that need improvement.
GA Tool is targeting amateur’s players (or beginners) that are willing to make fast improvements on their golf. GAT is the web base tool for stroke classification and post-game analysis that will allow golfers to classify their strokes and enable them to analyse their statistics in different courses in order to improve their performance.
The product roadmap includes automatic tracking of the game strokes using GNSS receivers, wearable sensors and Earth Observation information. The automatic tracking mode does not require human intervention at all.