The GPS Waypoints application was reworked on version 1.1. It incorporates some new mapping and surveying features to add tags to Waypoints, build Paths/Polygons, measure Path distances, export mapping data to KML and share this data with other applications (e.g. Dropbox/Google Drive).
This version takes advantages of the new smartphone's receivers, with improved accuracies from 1.5 to 5 meters, using GPS and GLONASS satellite constellations. It allows personal users to perform simple mapping or cadastral surveying but also allows professional users attaining better accuracies with Bluetooth external GNSS receivers (e.g. <1m).
Use Cases
- Personal Survey
- Mapping: collects Points of Interest on the field to build a personal/business mapping database or to contribute to Open Databases. The points acquired may be viewed and processed in general consumer geospatial tool such as Google Earth;
- Cadastral Surveying: allows building polygons of the land properties and measuring distances and perimeters on the field.
- Professional Survey
- Mapping with an external receiver: allows to collect thematic points of interest for cartographic, environmental and urban planning purposes. It is also being used for preliminary surveys;
- Cadastral Surveying with an external receiver: requires accuracies less the 1meters;
- In-situ mapping validation: collects field points (including both location and classification tags) that are used to validate maps derived from airborne or satellite imagery.
What's different on this application?
- Provides detailed information of the visible satellites and identifies which of them are being used to calculate the position (e.g. 10 GPS and 4 GLONASS satellites)
- Provides and saves accuracy information on every position acquired
- Connects to external GNSS receivers via Bluetooth
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